Corporate Event Planning: 4 Huge Tips

corporate mentalist performs mind reading demonstration for Janssen
Corporate Mentalist Tom Kennedy performs for Janssen Scientific.

Corporate Event Planning: 4 Huge Tips

If you’re not doing THESE four invaluable tips to ensure success when planning your next corporate event you might be setting yourself up for disaster!

In Event Planning Your Venue HAS to match your needs… all of them. 

Holy Nightmares, Batman! Have I seen this go wrong? As a corporate entertainer: Yes, absolutely yes, and more times than I can count. Your venue selection is going to be one of the biggest keys to total event success. Venue A might be perfect (and I mean ABSOLUTELY PERFECT) for your cocktail reception and your dinner. Hmm… but those Sales Awards Presentation or Corporate Mentalist you paid top dollar or the presentation by the CEO that should be visible to everyone??? The massive pillars and the fact that the room is 20 times longer than it is wide might make presenting anything of importance UNVIABLE. Many venues are built for service and NOT for presentations. 

Brilliant Customized Corporate Event Entertainment

Maybe it’s at the long day of a trade show; sales conference; or after many hours of workshops, team-building, and seminars. Your attendees need something to revive their bodies, brains, and (let’s face it) spirits! As a mentalist who works tons of corporate events, nothing makes me happier than seeing that switch flip: when conference attendees realize that, maybe for the first time that day, they are going to be able to kick back and have AN AMAZING TIME! They’re gonna laugh and have more fun than they know how to handle. 

My specialty is helping companies REINFORCE their key themes and messages of their conferences through customized presentations of interactive mind reading and mind games, so that attendees hear them again and so that the message sticks! My presentations speak to the heart of WHY your attendees are there all while giving them an amazing time. 

Corporate Event Themes

We all know corporate events love a theme! In fairness, I was lucky enough to part of about a dozen “The Magic of Customer Service” week events, so all things considered that was pretty sweet. They don’t ALL have to be quite that on the nose for a fit to be supremely solid. For instance, one company’s “All In” theme immediately conjures the image of gambling. Having a Casino Night fits perfectly! Right? Well, yes and no. They don’t mean that their employees should gamble or put everything on the line for a risky best. They really meant they want their sales teams to put every ounce and fiber of their being into supporting their clients to be all in on supporting them, and through a customized presentation as their corporate mentalist that year, I was able to deliver that message in unforgettable ways. 

Build an Ice Cave

Just kidding! But will you look at this thing?! I wonder what the ROI is on something like this… Maybe an ice sculpture will suffice? corporate event ice cave

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